Monday, February 11, 2008

Stand Up and Stand Out

I don't recall when, but at some point in my life I came to the realization that while it could certainly be said that I am infinitely unique, it is also a certainty that I am truly and honestly about as unique and important as any other ant in this anthill of human life. I've had my moments of angst over this, sure, but in the end, most days I am just fine with it.

The knowledge of my, essentially, cookie cutter existence has created one notable tic in my personality, however; I am always on the lookout for things that are said or actions that are done that have the potential to be the first time ever done by a human being. Now, manning the first plane to exit earth's atmosphere, making the first viable vehicle not to run on fossil fuels, or being the first person of color to actually have a chance at the American presidency are all wonderful things and I applaud those people who have it in them to accomplish these very significant and unique achievements, but these are not what I am talking about. When I say I am on the lookout for original accomplishments or the coining of original words or phrases, I am talking about those things that are mundane, silly, unimportant and potentially unnoticed. For example, every once in a while I will hear someone say a combination of words that I am certain have never ben said in sequence before. My husband came up with one a few months back and I was incredibly delighted with it, so much so that I believe he was momentarily concerned that I might be a little off my rocker. Sadly and wonderfully, it was so bizarre a sequence that I could not remember it even an hour later.

I think as people living our little lives, noticeable mostly only to our friends and family and unknown and unimportant to the world at large, it is vitally important that we pay attention and keep our eyes open for these moments in our own lives. It is always good to be reminded that while most of what we do has been done before, we still have the power to be refreshing and silly and to come out of nowhere with statements or actions that are certain to have never been said or tried. We ned to remember to try things that are new for us and things that might be new to everyone. So, I urge my readers to consider this in their own lives and to pay attention to what's going on around you. It might seem like one moment, one day, one week, all bleed into the next, but it's just not true. For those of you with children you can see that it isn't that way for them yet. Well, I say, don't let it be that way for you either. If everything around you is the same old thing then you be the change, you be the surprise, you do the action that has never been done before, even if you feel like a fool. To make it easier for you, I will give you a small glimpse into my evening and what prompted this post: just a half hour ago I stood in my kitchen with a pot of boiling water, my broom, and a fork. Now, I won't go into details, but I've got a fair amount of certainty that I might have been the first person to ever be doing what I was doing. If I'm not, well, I'm sure I'm part of a rather exclusive group. And I have to tell you, it feels good. Sure, I know others would think I'm crazy, but it feels really good.

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